911 CarreraRX back together
Posted on Aug 16, 2017The 911’s engine is back together. First we painted the valve covers red because racecar.

Then our cleaned and tested fuel injectors arrived from Cruzin Performance.

We repainted all the tinware

Then replaced the intake manifold connector with a silicone one from Vibrant.

We took advantage of the open engine bay to install some Sparco hood pins

Then our new intake gaskets arrived for TRE Motorsports

And a new engine cross member from Rennline

Munks Motors rebuilt all our fuel lines with Aeroquipe hoses

And Wevo sent us some performance engine mounts.

Finally we slapped the engine back in and took it for a drive but not before replacing the rear anti roll bar drop links.

The result of all this effort? The engine starts easily now and goes straight to fast idle then settles down to a smooth 850 rpm. No popping and bucking anymore and it pulls a lot smoother too.