Our New Building. "TIMcienda" Week 4

Posted on Dec 10, 2020

In this episode we empty the storage units, finish painting the blue monolith, paint the fridge, plant our flags, demolish a wall, have a leak and start the build room.

This week marked a milestone as we finally emptied our storage units and moved out. We still have the tire machines in our old building but everything else is in the new one.

Mostly 83 Quattro parts. We'll need to find a home for them soon.


Won't need these any more. Maybe they'll find their way onto the trailer.


We finished up the edges on the BRAID blue monolith and turned our attention to tidying up the electrical covers.


We sourced new stainless steel plates for the receptacles but wrapped the existing blank covers with BRAID blue vinyl because, well, we have yards of the stuff.


Yes, they look like brass but that's because they are reflecting the carpet in the pictures. You should really come over and see them in person; once we are open. It's worth it.


With the blue wall now pristine and not wanting to lose our painting mojo we turned our attention to the fridge. We wanted to paint it with silver Hammerite but, apparently, you can't get that anymore. We went with Rustoleum Hammered which, we are sure is nowhere near as good but, well, its just a fridge. We are toying with the idea of leaving the handles off for a cleaner look.



And this is where it's going when it's dried. Next to the freshly painted kitchen cabinets. Should look pretty snazzy.


Another milestone (we know, two in one week!) was that we have started to organize the area where the Quattro rally build is going to take place. In order to make room we had to remove a room, so to speak. Not really a "room" as such, bit two temporary office type walls. They can apart in short order and presented us with quite a bit of space to play with..


We're not quite sure how best to position the car so we bought a big rubber floor mat to help us decide. Ultimately the car will sit on this for the duration of the build.


We also used the heat for the first time since we moved in. Then the roof leaked! We're not sure if it's to do with the heat or the fact that is was throwing it down out side but our new landlord says he'll fix it.


We also put out some more merchandizing materials. It's starting to feel like a showroom now.