Our Rallycross 911 Gets New Lighting
Posted on Jun 27, 2019
There are those who feel four 100W auxiliary lights are enough for a rally inspired 911, especially one that no longer sees competitive nighttime action. We disagree. Not out of some “more light is better to see by” rationalization but a bit more along the lines of “Oh, we scored some pristine Cibie Oscars for free” kind of thinking. That and we have had this one period picture of a Rothmans SC/RS with this exact setup festering away in our collective minds for some time.

So, you see, faced with this picture and free lights we really had no choice.

Fortunately the lights seemed to want to go in exactly the same location as the front bumper bolts. So it was easy to fab up some brackets. But first we had to removed the bumper's thick rubber strip and wrap the resultant indentation with BRAID Blue vinyl.

This fortuitously produced another location for a sticker!

Some quick welding on a bit of scrap resulted in some brackets!

And then we let there be (more) lights.

We even wired them up! It was easy though, as the original fog light wiring was still in place.

Then we took the car out to show off it's new jewelry to it's siblings.

We have a couple more rally oriented mods in the works. We'll fill you in soon.

So, you see, faced with this picture and free lights we really had no choice.

Fortunately the lights seemed to want to go in exactly the same location as the front bumper bolts. So it was easy to fab up some brackets. But first we had to removed the bumper's thick rubber strip and wrap the resultant indentation with BRAID Blue vinyl.

This fortuitously produced another location for a sticker!

Some quick welding on a bit of scrap resulted in some brackets!

And then we let there be (more) lights.

We even wired them up! It was easy though, as the original fog light wiring was still in place.

Then we took the car out to show off it's new jewelry to it's siblings.

We have a couple more rally oriented mods in the works. We'll fill you in soon.