Le Tour be dammed; we're working on the Quattro; a bit.
Posted on Jul 14, 2016Got the oil bollocks, er, we mean oil filters installed.

and the front torque support/alternator mount. What does that do anyway?

Installed the vacuum lines on the front diff actuator while it is still accessible. Looks like we may have guessed the orientation correctly.

Axle, strut and brakes! Well, on one side at least but still......

It's starting to look like a car again.
We had to put the other side's front suspension on. We couldn't help ourselves.

The interesting thing now is that we could roll it off the hoist if needed. However, we swore it would only ever drive off. Let's see how that works out.
One exciting (to us) aspect of the suspension reinstall is that we think we may have found a solution for a problem that isn't really a problem. Due to the upper strut bushings compressing even when new, there is always a gap between the strut top and the body. We found some rubber washers in the plumbing isle that fill this gap perfectly and installed them today. Makes us warm and fuzzy inside.

We used two per side. One and a half would have been perfect.
2 commentsRichard Collins
3 Aug 00:09As far as I am concerned, the mid 80s AUDI Quattro was the car that really put Rallies on the map. Even the Quattro on Pikes Peak was an eye opener for a lot of skeptics. Just about every one went to AWD after that. The Quattro is still the most beautiful Rally car ever, still looks very much the part.
Richard Collins
3 Aug 00:08As far as I am concerned, the mid 80s AUDI Quattro was the car that really put Rallies on the map. Even the Quattro on Pikes Peak was an eye opener for a lot of skeptics. Just about every one went to AWD after that. The Quattro is still the most beautiful Rally car ever, still looks very much the part.