Getting Carried Away On The Rally Quattro Build Engine Bay

Posted on May 15, 2019
We promised you an engine-based post this week so here you are.

As we mentioned in an earlier post we were supposed to just bolt this in but have recently gotten carried away with cleaning and polishing everything on this car so let's see how nuts we can go with an engine. Is there therapy available for this stuff? We need help.

So we started by painting the block, even though nobody will ever see it once it's in the car. It's not like it didn't have paint on before. Jeez!

Then we turned our attention to refurbishing the cluster of accessories we previously took off.

We decided to reduce the size of the AC and alternator bracket as we are deleting the AC. We could have just found a non-AC bracket but they were expemsive and all in Europe because Americans can't drive without the windows up (electric) and the AC on.

We couldn't make ours quite the same shape but we did cut a sizable chunk off the rear:

The idler pulley bearing was noisy and NLA so we just replaced the pulley with a GM something or other.

About the same size but has the bearing in the pulley like a normal one not inside the bracket like an Audi one. Consequently some re-engineering was required.

It turned out pretty nice, if that's not a pun.

We also blasted and painted the engine mount brackets because, well, we're sick. Next week we'l probably paint something else; maybe gold! Stay tuned.