Quattro Rally Build: Making the Interior Exterior.
Posted on Sep 22, 2016Second evening for the "Qauttro Squaud". We were a little light on numbers last night due to unforeseen testing of the Formula SAE car. Still, we made some progress.
We stripped the trunk lid of its lights, spoiler, trimmings and wires.
We also got the rear lights out but forgot to photograph that.
Matt continued with the interior and managed to relieve the car of the dash panel and the blower housing though that is hardwired into the harness as far as we can make out. Good one Audi. Sorry, we had to cut the dash as the current cage goes through it. It was already cut up and cracked anyway.
Next week we hope to remove the headlining, pedal box, fuel tank and the rest of the interior wiring harness. And we think we have a plan to get it off the table and onto the lift so we can remove the engine, transmission and sub-frames. Stay tuned.