Rennline Battery Relocation KIt

$ 230.00

Relocating a lightweight battery to the smugglers box is a standard modification to track and high-performance street 911's. The stock 911 battery is much heavier than necessary (upward of 40 pounds heavier than an Odyssey 680), and is located in the front left of the car, where it contributes to poor weight distribution. Until now, relocating a battery to the smugglers box (the smugglers box is the small compartment in the front trunk behind the fuel tank, on the passenger's side) required fabricating your own mounting and bracket system. Rennline's new relocation kit is a fully adjustable aluminum assembly that makes battery relocation an easy afternoon project. This newly designed unit is a complete bolt in assembly which requires absolutely no drilling and fully suspends the battery eliminating unwanted vibration. Kit includes all necessary stainless steel hardware and full installation instructions. We also offer an optional Smugglers Box Lid that is a perfect location to mount a cut off switch. Note: Switch, remote pull, smugglers box cover, and battery are not included with this or any of the kits.

  • One piece lightweight cradle design
  • Much easier to install then previous version
  • Integrated kill switch mount,lid mount or no mount - Support brackets wrap all sides of battery
  • Clear anodized finish
  • Battery can now be removed without cradle
  • All nuts are captive for easy installation
  • Available for Odyssey 680,925 and many others

installation instructions