Quattro Rally Build


Look Out Below. Quattro Rally Build Engine Drop.

Yesterday the Quattro Squad accidentally took the engine and transmission out! Well, it wasn't a proper accident; just that it wasn't part of the evening's plan. Being a little light on peeps and wanting to have an early night we only planned to prep for engine removal. Instead it just sorta happened as we were on a roll and we still got out of there by 8:45pm. Not a bad...
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Quattro Rally Build Gets High

Two weeks of progress to report! We didn't get much accomplished last week as we had a very special visitor in the form of Paul Ritchie, former head of Porsche Motorsport and Porsche Engineering. Needless to say there was much conversation and much left over pizza as everyone was too bust talking to chew. We did discover that 12 year old gasoline will dissolve a plastic cup! This week we...
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Quattro Rally Build Progress Report

Not a lot of progress these last two weeks. We didn't meet last week as we were at Lake Superior Performance Rally posing about with a bunch of other old rally cars.   However, progress was made "off" the car while we were away. The Quattro Squad came up with a logo and created a Facebook Page that already has over 140 likes. https://www.facebook.com/QuattroSquad/   We did accomplish some stuff...
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Quattro Squad Field Trip #1

Not much action to report this week as we took the Quattro Squad on a field trip. We managed to get our 85 quattro running again for the first time in 2.5 years so to celebrate we took three of the students in it to visit a friend's shop and quattro heaven. Werner owns a 85 from Switzerland and an 83 that he rescued. His 85 is for all intents...
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UR Quattro Rally Build Inside Out

On Wednesday the Quattro Squad continued to turn the 83 quattro inside out. Matt relieved it of its sunroof     Then we decapitated the halo cage. so we could extricate the headliner. We also removed the trunk lid and the gas tank We are producing quite a pile of parts  
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Quattro Rally Build Sponsors Lining Up

So this is an unusual experience for us, being a parts supplier we are often asked for donations to people's projects. Now we are now the recipient of donations ourselves! So we'd like to introduce a couple of project sponsors: Firstly, Thompson Racing Fabrication (www.thompsonracingfabrication.com/) will be doing our cage and other fabrication. We have helped them with a couple of their project cars in the past and almost always...
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Quattro Rally Build: Making the Interior Exterior.

Second evening for the "Qauttro Squaud". We were a little light on numbers last night due to unforeseen testing of the Formula SAE car. Still, we made some progress. We stripped the trunk lid of its lights, spoiler, trimmings and wires. We also got the rear lights out but forgot to photograph that. Matt continued with the interior and managed to relieve the car of the dash panel and the...
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Quattro Rally Build: Introducing the "Q" Team

We’ve teamed up with a small group of Engineering students from Oakland University to assist with the project and contribute to the education of a few future automotive experts in some small way. These guys are so keen they’ve already given themselves a name. They call themselves the “Qauttro Sqaud”. So who are the Quattro Squad? Well we have Amanda, Nathan, Matt and Aaron. All students at Oakland University and...
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Audi UR quattro Rally Build Begins

As our 85 UR quattro  is getting to the point of being on the road again I'd like to introduce our latest project which we plan to start almost immediately. A 1983 UR qauttro, currently in such a sorry state that it's only viable future is as a RALLY CAR! The shell is pretty solid and the car "ran when parked". We will be rebuilding the engine and transmission and...
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