Carrerra RX Featured on /DRIVE
Our car has been sidelined by our 85 UR quattro that recently came back to life after a 2 year engine refurbishment. With winter looming we have been driving that every chance we have gotten, as you can imagine. However we did register for the Detroit SCCA RallyCross on December 3rd which, by happy coincidence is where Ryan Symancek of /DRIVE filmed most of this last year. Enjoy. Carrera RX Off To LSPR
We are taking the car to the Lake Superior Performance Rally next weekend. It's not in the rally nor is it a course car but it has been invited my members of the Historic Rally Group to display the car with theirs and also to perform a few parade stages for the benefit of the spectators and maybe some lucky passengers. We will be spending three days in the company...NOWO 911
More non-action action for our All Show and All Go Carrera RX this weekend as we took the car along with the dog and pony show to the Northernworthersee (NOWO) show in Frankenmuth. An apt setting as it is a German themed town and home to one of the largest Christmas stores in the world. On the way up we had some fun racing our RALIVAN. Drag race...Fire! Fire!
As the car is red hot now we thought we'd be sensible and install a fire extinguisher in the Porsche 911 before we need to call 911. We went with a 2.5lb dry powder with a quick release mounting bracket. There were a few options for mounting: on the cage behind us, on the cage leg in co-drivers foot well, on the transmission tunnel in front of the shift lever....Eyes On Design
We were honored to be invited to the Eyes On Design Car Show this year and surprised to win a Designer's Choice Award. We guess all that lack of preparation paid off. Early bird gets the designated spot they would have had even if it were late. This was an unexpected surprise. No mention of Michelle Mouton though. Our "class"! and some competition. Uh oh. Breakfast with a view. More...All Show and No Go - First Car Show
As the opening salvo in our "All Show and All Go" program for 2016 we entered the car in it's first proper show of 2016, the Motorstadt show put on by the Michigan Volkswagen Enthusiasts and held on the beautiful grounds of the Austrian Society. We also entered our other 911 and our RALIVAN in the show and took along the entire dog and pony show too! It was a...All Show and All Go!
Was fortunate to make the list for the Detroit region of the SCCA RallyCross this past weekend. These events are always over-subscribed and for good reason; they are a great fun and exceptionally well run. Unfortunately not driving competitively for six months really diminishes ones skills so, for the first time ever in a RallyCross the poor car did not take home a trophy. I apologized to it profusely. Still,...Show Me the 911.
Spring is finally here and it appears our little 911 has decided what it's new role in life will be: as a show car!. I know, I know, they should be driven and it's a race car but to be honest sales are keeping us busy and it is over 30 years old now. Perhaps retirement is appropriate. Having said that we do have two defenses to mount: one, it...RENNLINE Door Cards
You may remember our car used to be dark pink with a beige interior? Well beige is not a rally color in our book and as this car appears to be transitioning into some sort of rally replica/tribute we thought the door cards needed some attention. We already removed the pockets to get the doors to close with the new cage but when we did the door cards just looked...Roll Cage Installation Part #3
OK, part #3. Final part? Read on.................. Painting took just two coats of brushed on Rustoleum; the same and left over paint we used for the interior. It was a bit of chore having to paint all round each tube and, because we didn't want to remove the sleeves again, required a bit of touch up later. But it is done and we think looks cracking! While it was drying...Roll Cage Installation Part #2
We never thought this project would need a "part #2" when we started it. Guess what? There's going to be a "Part #3" as well!When we left Part #1 we had the cage fully assembled in the car and had noted a few things to tweak and/or remove. Next we test fitted the seats to see how they would work with the car, with particular interest in how we might...RallyCross 911 Roll Cage Part #1
That's right, our little 911 is getting a roll cage. Does this mean we are going racing? Maybe. Motivations for this are three-fold: 1) safety during track days etc. 2) Race car credibility generally. We are showing the car a lot more these days. 3) This six point bolt in cage is SCCA time-trial approved and should allow us to run the Empire Hill Climb later this year!We picked it...A Little TLC for the 911
We think we have the oil temperature concerns addressed now. With some 5W40 oil in there and a cover over the engine oil cooler I think we should be fine. Time to move on to other issues: poor running and "popping" noises at idle!We read on the forums that the popping noises are probably due to intake leaks; either from aging vacuum lines, oil filler gasket or, more than likely,...